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What is the science behind attracting opposite sex?

Are you trying to attract a certain type of person? This post will demystify how attraction works and why opposites really do attract. And if you're wondering whether there's hope for your dating life, the answer is yes!

Ever wonder what kind of person you are most drawn to? Or start thinking about your ideal partner? Biology has some answers. Yes, it does take a little bit more than just looking good with the right outfit and hair style, but ultimately being attractive depends on certain personality traits that are linked by neurotransmitter chemicals in our brains and hormones that regulate sexual desire.

When it comes to attraction, opposites really do attract. Twin studies show that we typically have different polarities of personality traits in the same person. When men are more extroverted and women are more introverted, they may be attracted to each other. Even identical twins, raised in the same home environment, will have different personalities! If you're wondering which areas you should focus on for attracting your ideal partner, you'll want to check out this article: The 10 Things Guys Love About YOU… And The 5 Things You Should Never Do To Attract Him

What attracts us is NOT something that we choose. Attraction is a choice between YOU and EVERYONE ELSE.

Pheromones are special chemicals (biological signals) that are put off by your body. It's like a natural perfume that comes from you, but you can't smell it on yourself. It's also released from animals like dogs or cats when they rub up against you. What attracts you to one person might be completely different to someone else because people have different pheromones and the more compatible your pheromone levels are with someone else, the more likely you'll be attracted to each other. And although it seems that we're attracted to someone just because they look good, really what we're all looking for in a potential partner is healthy DNA.

This means that if you're desperate to find the right guy, you might want to focus on something other than how hot he is. Research shows that what makes a man attractive is different from what makes a woman attractive. Men are attracted to visual cues like physical attractiveness while women are drawn to social cues like earning potential and social status. Although it may not seem fair or equal since we're both looking for someone sexy and smart, we shouldn't expect men and women to all be attracted to each other equally – it's just not going to happen!

If you've ever wondered why some couples stay together for years while others break up after no time at all, then you're not alone.


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