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Smart people prefer to be alone...

People are talented, curious, and ambitious. We crave the stimulation of creativity and the adrenaline of competition. Always on the go, we have little time to reflect on our accomplishments or just enjoy what we already have.

We’re addicted to busyness because it is good for society, but it’s bad for ourselves as individuals. A person who is constantly busy has little time to notice what they’re doing with their precious life and ponder whether it is the right use of their time. Busy people often sacrifice things they enjoy to achieve a goal, which itself is an equally valuable experience.

We’ve come to accept that being busy is good for us, but it can also create stress and anxiety that affect both our physical and mental health. Stress hormones have been shown to leave us less productive, less effective at problem-solving, and more emotionally volatile. The pressure of needing to be busier than we already are might also be responsible for a lot of doctor visits as our bodies break down from the strain.

The benefits of being busy have become ingrained in society as what we are supposed to do. We work to gain the highest status, the best job, and the most money. We look down upon anyone who isn’t constantly busy, as if they are lazing around and wasting their lives.

We tend to devalue the activities that make us happy, like hobbies or relaxing with family and friends. We think of them as a waste of time and laugh at people who spend their time on them when they could be doing something more useful. This creates a bias against activities that bring fulfillment but don’t contribute to society in a clear measurable way.

I believe that being alone is an important part of a balanced life. Our happiest times happen when we are alone rather than spending time with other people, and they should be cherished above the busyness of a busy life. It’s easy to get caught up in our busyness, but it can also become a problem if we don’t take time to understand why it bothers us so much.

Ultimately, being alone gives us room to ask questions about the things that matter most to us. It allows us to slow down and think more deeply about our lives and how they will impact the future. We can evaluate our own goals and decide what we want them to be.


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