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Is it possible to increase height after teenage?

Teenagers go through some of the most rapid changes during a person's life. Things like height and weight tend to fluctuate on a day-to-day basis, making it hard for people to know their exact height or weight. But while many things about your appearance are primarily determined by genetics, there are ways you can increase your physical stature later in life. 

The key is that you need to know what causes a person’s height which, as it turns out, includes factors like levels of testosterone and estrogen in the body — and then find strategies that tackle those specific factors. 

Height is determined by several factors including genetics, hormones, growth plates and skeletal systems. These are all interrelated parts of your body that come together to make your height. When a baby's bones grow they have to do so in accordance with the rest of the body’s development. The bones are lined with cartilage that acts as a shock absorber for joints and muscles, and it also prevents the bones from fraying or breaking under stress. 

During this time, the cells that line the cartilage start to grow more rapidly than those in other places on the skeleton, particularly at joints and on the ends of long bone such as legs and arms. This causes the cartilage to lose mass and eventually become bone. A growth plate is just what it sounds like — a section of tissue that is responsible for bone growth. A growth plate has rows of cells, and each row grows at a different pace, causing the bones to lengthen day by day. They’re located at the ends of bones in children and teenagers, providing them with room to grow. 

Once fully formed, they close up over time. A child will continue to grow until their 20s and most of their growth happens in their teens. Protein plays a huge part in this process -- specifically amino acids which are broken-down by enzymes that help build muscle mass, which you need for height gain.


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