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12 Facts About Menses You Should Clarify.

The first day of your period is also a very important time to get/keep physically fit. Exercise and healthy diet will do so much for you. Make sure that you have plenty of vitamin C, water and sleep when you are menstruating. Exercise is also a great way to relieve PMS and premenstrual tension (PMS). I think exercise is great for all women. I realize that there are a lot of women with PMS, and they go through many emotions during their cycle. The most important thing is to keep a schedule of your cycle. PMS has become more common in recent years. We don't want to give up our exercise routine to accommodate this problem, but you can still workout while you are menstruating. This will reduce the amount of cramps you get during your period and help ease premenstrual tension (PMS). It is absolutely essential that you take a multivitamin each day when you are menstruating. The vitamins will help maintain your ovarian function, and the minerals in the multivitamin will help make up for any iron or calcium you might be lacking. Some things to keep in mind: 
  • Do not do heavy lifting during your period, as this increases the risk of further damage to your uterus.
  • Do not do intense workouts, as this will bring on more severe cramps during your period. 
  • Do not lift anything heavier than your own body weight, as lifting heavy objects can cause damage to your uterus. 
As long as you take a multivitamin supplement and eat a well balanced diet, it is okay to exercise during your period. You should exercise slowly and do light weights of around 10-25 pounds. You can do whatever type of exercise that you like. It is important that you obtain all of the benefits of physical activity while menstruating. Do not skip meals or sleep for an entire day or night. You should still build in your daily exercise regimen during the time of your period and after your period ends. This will help you feel more energized during these times and will make you feel better about yourself. There are very effective natural methods for alleviating premenstrual tension (PMS) and PMS. In addition, there are also herbal remedies that can assist in relieving cramps and bringing relief to the mind, body, and spirit as well. Keep in mind that there are no quick fixes for these unfortunate symptoms. The following natural ways to relieve constipation and bloating: 
  1. Invest in a water filter pitcher and use it to drink clean, purified water all through your cycle. This will help aid you through your period without any problems. Natural spring water is better than bottled water for this purpose by far, as the former provides an abundance of minerals, minerals that most tap water cannot provide. 
  2. Eat foods high in fiber to relieve constipation. You can also try natural fiber supplements to help relieve constipation. 
  3. Use a heating pad on areas of your body where you typically experience swelling (i.e. abdomen, chest, and neck). You can also try acupressure point therapy on these areas of your body to relieve bloating and swelling that marks PMS during menstruation as well as premenstrual tension (PMS). 
  4. Make sure to drink lots of water and avoid caffeinated drinks, soda, fries, greasy foods, and high-calorie foods. These are all things that you do not want to consume while you are menstruating. 
  5. Take a calcium supplement to help provide relief for muscle cramps and aches and pains during your period. 
  6. You can try acupuncture therapy on your menstrual cycle to help ease the ills that often plague women of any age who have their periods. 
  7. Take a relaxing bath with epsom salts and lavender oil. 
  8. Make sure to drink plenty of water as this will relieve bloating and constipation that often plague many women during their period. 
  9. Try taking a relaxing bath as this may ease your cramps, among other symptoms of PMS and premenstrual tension (PMS). You could take a bath with some epsom salts and lavender oil as well. 
  10. Make sure to eat plenty of leafy green vegetables and other foods rich in iron. 
  11. Try a gentle exercise regimen to ease your menstrual cycle and help you relax, as stress often seems to exacerbate PMS symptoms in menstruating women. 
  12. You should also consult your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • Morning sickness
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue and/or tiredness
  • Depression
  • Difficulty sleeping
Eating healthy foods such as fresh, raw fruits and vegetables are essential during your period. Vitamins are also very important for healthy menstrual cycles. You should get a multivitamin each day to help assist you in having a healthy cycle.


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